Weekly Overview






March 25 – 29, 2013




***Easter Holidays – Friday, March 29 and Monday, April 1, 2013




READING – Test on Wednesday




We will take our test on “Charlotte’s Web” on Wednesday.  We will take a reading comprehension test which will consist of eight multiple choice questions and one written response question.  We will also have a vocabulary test on the ten words from the story.  Students were given a vocabulary study guide.  It should be kept in their reading folder.  Please use this study guide to review for our test.


               Students will be tested on words with the suffix –tion and -sion.  This skill goes along with our spelling words for this week.  Students will also have to read a short passage and make inferences about the passage.  Students will have to think about what the author tells them in the passage and think about what they already know about the subject.  Then they must put them together to make inferences about the story or passage.  Students will also have to use clues from a sentence to determine the meaning of the underlined word.


               He brings his bat to baseball practice.


               (In this sentence bat means a stick used to hit a baseball.)




               The bat catches an insect.


               (In this sentence bat is a kind of animal.)






SPELLING – Test on Wednesday




Students will have to spell the following words from Theme 6, Lesson 26:




section                  caution                 fiction                   nation                   action


vision                     vacation                motion                   question                 mention


station                  attention            portion                   collection              session






MATH – Test on Thursday




The math test on Thursday will be a Spiral Review Test.  It will cover skills we have already learned.  We will do the Skills Review Worksheet in class (whole group) on Wednesday.  You can go over the DEEP homework for lessons 63 – 67 for extra review.




MATH – Test on Thursday




This will be our last test on multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.  For the month of April, we will multiply a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number.






LANGUAGE – Test on Thursday




Every day, students will complete a MUG Shot sentence (Mechanics, Usage, and Grammar).  Students will complete it individually, and then we will check it together.  The test will contain the same type of errors that we worked on during the week. This week we are working on irregular verbs (teach, taught, bring, brought, etc.).




LANGUAGE – Test on Thursday


Students will be tested on the same skill as the MUG.  Please use the MUG Shot folder and the homework for this week as your study guide.






This week we will work in the Social Studies iLEAP Practice Book.  I will give the students a grade for participation.